Ever wonder what it’s like to have an organizing lesson with a professional organizer? Are you curious about how it works to have “virtual” organizing sessions? The following is a real-life example of an email exchange with one of my current clients. I’ve edited the email to remove any personal identifiers or for clarity. […]
Three troubling consequences of not making decisions
I often explain that decision making is the key to clutter control. But the fact is that decisions are essential to making progress on any important task or project. However, it is not always easy to make those decisions. There can be some serious, sometimes unpleasant, outcomes when we make a decision. Yet, NOT making […]
Accept your tendency toward clutter and move on
Most of my clients want to get their homes or offices completely clutter-free before they move on to the next part of their lives. Some want to pursue writing careers, others want to start their own businesses and still others just want to be able to have friends stop by without feeling guilty and ashamed […]
The simple way to start each day with less stress
One technique to keep from feeling frazzled each morning is to start your daily routine the night before. Sometime in the late afternoon or early evening schedule 30 minutes to an hour and look at your calendar to figure out what tomorrow’s requirements are. The simple way to start each day with less stress begins […]
Take these two steps to conquer clutter
What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while. Gretchen Rubin This quote was part of Chris Guillebeau’s newsletter about Life’s Priorities (a “must read!”) and is very relevant to anyone who is struggling with clutter and disorganization. If you want to finally get your home or office decluttered, you […]
Time management: See where your time is going
Many people object to using a planner because they believe that it prohibits spontaneity and creativity. In reality, the very opposite is true. Not using a planner to see where our time goes may be keeping us from accomplishing the things we would really like to be doing. However, first we must see what is […]
21 misconceptions about being organized
There are a number of reasons why people resist the idea of becoming organized. But like any stereotypes, their rationale tends to be based in misconceptions: