Yesterday we published ‘Is it clutter? 7 points to consider when evaluating your stuff.‘
We have further recommendations of tools available from colleagues:
Hazel Thornton, founder of Organized For Life is a professional organizer in New Mexico with a background in both Engineering and Fine Arts. Her blog post titled ‘Is it Clutter?‘ helps answer additional questions such as: What is clutter? Why can’t I part with my clutter? What should I do with my clutter? What if, despite my best intentions, I am still living with clutter? She has developed clutter flow charts to help individuals visualize the decision-making process. (Disclosure: The Declutter Lady is not affiliated with Organized For Life; we do not receive a commission for any purchases made on that site — we’re just pals!)
- Meggin McIntosh hosts 365 Decluttering Days on Facebook in order to “support each other and stay energized about getting rid of 365 things in the next 365 days or less!” She posts guidelines and prompts to get you jump-started.
We’ll be adding more resources to this post as we become aware of them. In the meantime, feel free to share links to your favorite decluttering helps in the comments section!
Thanks for featuring my Clutter Flow Charts, Brenda!
Glad to endorse helpful tools, my friend!